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Announcements and  past events

First formal meeting in Perth: A retrospective

On September 28 we held our first formal meeting in Perth. The rich and informative program slides are now available online. The topics cover interesting facts about business, mining and rugby league in Serbia. Also attached is the Tesla Forum pack - a Perth based organisation that gathers around the legacy of Nikola Tesla, visionary scientist and inventor, whose life and work symbolise the triumph of science, peace and cooperation among nations.

KCTT and Innovo

Red Star Belgrade Rugby League Club

Mining Opportunities in Serbia

Tesla Forum

We also successfully trialed video conferencing from other locations and will aim to make our future presentations accessible via video link for cities where we still don’t have chapters established.

Radio Televizija Srbije has recorded the event and published the video online. You can find it at the bottom of this post!

A sincere thank you to our Perth team for organising such a great first event!

Uploaded by Sanja Vuksanovic on 2018-10-13.