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ASOP Survey Results

Dear members

At the beginning of this year we undertook a member survey – the results are in and paint the picture of ASOP as a very professional organisation, running interesting events which benefit our members. Here’s a snapshot of your feedback:

  • An overwhelming majority of respondents rate their ASOP experience as 4 or 5 out of 5.

  • Approximately 85% of respondents consider both the social and formal content to be of high quality, and want more of it.

  • More than half of the respondents support the annual membership fee model.



It seems like there are a couple of myths about what we actually aim to do, so let us break it down:

  • Our mission is not to fundraise for vulnerable communities in Serbia, although we are currently in talks to Srbi Za Srbe. We do recognise that some of our members would like to help and hence we are looking into facilitating at least a way to do so.

  • Our mission is not to organise cultural events, although we gladly support cultural events organised by our contributing members.

  • We are here to connect Serbian professionals in Australia and become an influential professional association able to positively serve both the Serbian and Australian communities. We seek to foster knowledge, training and networking opportunities for our members that will benefit their careers and professional development. And so far we have done this successfully!

Facilitating employment opportunities is high on our agenda– and we are happy to report we already do this, especially for our members who recently migrated to Australia.

Also important to understand is that ASOP membership is a reciprocal one. As much as it is about our group delivering to its members, it is also about our members actively contributing to ASOP’s growth.

The majority of responds have asked for more organised meetings as well as more flexible ways to attend. Here is where you can help: Attendance numbers do affect our ability to secure the right speakers and deliver quality content, and so we need your help to spread the word. Simply share our website with one click on:

Or simply bring along your fellow Serb professionals to our next meetings!


What we are working on:

  • Developing a half-yearly or yearly annual events calendar, to help you plan your attendance

  • Furthermore we commenced working on a mentoring framework where our junior members will be able to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience of our more senior members.

  • Considering member engagement channels beyond LinkedIn and our website

Our committee would like to thank you for your input and ongoing contribution.

Kind regards

